Monday, March 2, 2009

Brett's Letter Mar. 2/09

¿hey how are things? well mom i got your packages and the blanket is delivered and everything. we had two more baptisms this week. one was on my birthday and the other was on the 27th. i really didn´t do anything to exciting for my birthday other than the baptism. thanks so much for sending more Spitz and for sending those books. i have been reading the teachings of Joseph smith and i have learned a lot. something that has helped me realize how important it is to serve missions to the fullest is one he says some have been ordained to the ministry, and have never acted in that capacity, or magnified their calling at all. he goes on the say that when we are ordained we must be faithful, and be able to teach by the spirit. called, and chosen, and faithful. this has caused me to think a lot about how great of an opportunity it is to serve the lord. there is a promise that i love a lot and it is from our savior and he says that all who are apart of this work we need to put our trust in him, and if we do HE WILL NOT FAIL US! this is his work. its needs to be done by all that have a testimony of him. if we don't express our testimony it basically shows that we don't have one. this is why our prophets have said many times that every member is a missionary. we always have an opportunity to share the gospel every day, but are we taking advantage of those opportunities. i try hard everyday to do what the lord would have me do and to teach by the spirit. the spirit is everything. if we follow the promptings of the spirit we will not be led astray. awake to righteousness, and sin not; let your light shine, and show yourselves workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. apply yourselves diligently to study, that your minds may be stored with all necessary information. we need to study with all diligence because the prophet Joseph smith taught that we cannot enter into the rest of our father if we don't know anything about how to get there or what it will be like we cannot receive it. we have all made our first covenant with our lord. our baptism. study about baptism and about all those other covenants we have made. study about the sacrament and what we need to do to receive the blessing of it. i know that Joseph smith was a prophet of god and that god revealed the truth to him. i know that when we partake of the sacrament our sins are washed away if we repent and are obeying the commandments of god, we will have his spirit to be with us always if we are worthy. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve and share this great joy with my brothers and sisters. i know that my testimony is true, i have no doubt. thanks for everything. i want to leave with a quote from our prophet. we remain your brethren in Christ, anxiously praying for the day of redemption to come, when iniquity shall be swept from the earth, and everlasting righteousness brought in. farewell. elder beazer

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